Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Poem Analysis Essay Assignment

For this assignment, you will use the same poem that you used for the Recitation Project. Write an essay explaining the following two things:

1) what the poem means (on the surface but also think deeply about this idea)

2) how the form of the poem helps to create that meaning beyond just the content (here you can talk about structure, rhyme, repetition, sound, emotion, pacing, figurative language, etc. -- anything that helps you talk about the meaning being enhanced by the form)

Your essay should have an introduction with a thesis, one or more body paragraphs about meaning, one or more body paragraphs about form, and a conclusion.

Include at least three direct quotes from the poem.

The first draft is due on your blogs by midnight Friday, May 20 (600 words minimum), and the revised draft will be due the following week.

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